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Der Online- unterluft Schutzstandards. Die Verbraucher sind selbst mit Schuld daran - die Politik muss sie dennoch wirksamer schtzen.
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(s watev.. " * wait what no that was good tho * n all.. pfff ffs..is now useless for gauging general sentiment . Its always been an , but I think its obvious that a large percent of comments are from and . The same with posts. A good portion are also bots and troll farm accounts, or maybe even accounts controlled by Reddit itself, then pushed to the front page. And since Reddit is adding paid tiers, or whatever, its best to just avoid the place. I suspect the paid stuff will be archival, since that is the most useful aspect to Reddit. I have a feeling it will flop. Its Digg v4 all over. Different circumstances, same result.
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