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online "Persistence & Progress: Confronting Wikipedias gender imbalance (Wiki Education)"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki Education
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Communiqu de la Ville de Genve (
)  Le racisme s'exprime sous de nouvelles formes dans les environnements en ligne, affectant tant la sphre prive que publique      
Le portail web du dpartement de la Cte-d'Or perturb par une attaque informatique  
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"OEWCampus Luzern Auf dem Weg zu einer OER-Community: Einblicke
Stolpersteine und Chancen "
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
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Heute! Die - untersttzt durch openaccessnetwork - ldt ein zum zweiten -Treffen in diesem Jahr: Heute (13.02. 11:30-12:30 Uhr) stellt Gerrit Heim aus Perspektive einer Landesbibliothek den Dienst RegionaliaOpen vor. Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen. Infos zur Forkusgruppe und Meetinglink unter:
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Have you considered joining our Accessible Interpretation in Practice course This 3-week #online course will help you plan & implement accessible interpretation in your organisation. 9, 16 & 23 June 2025 Online Book now:
Das Digitial Citizenship Education (DCE) Handbuch kann nun auch offiziell auf der Website des Council of Europe in deutschsprachiger bersetzung der englischsprachigen Originalausgabe heruntergeladen werden:
Wer das Handbuch noch nicht am Rechner hat, kann diesen Umstand als friendly reminder interpretieren. In diesem Handbuch werden die zehn Dimensionen des Europaratskonzepts von Digital Citizenship Education dargestellt. Diese sind in drei Blcke gegliedert: "Online sein", "Wohlergehen im Internet" und "Rechte im Internet".
"Publishing a Book with Pressbooks An Introduction"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: University of British Columbia
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"Faculty Insights: Leveraging GenAI for Open Education at KPU"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: Kwantlen Polytechnic University
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"Wiki Loves Africa 2025 Contest Launch"
16:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
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38 representatives of 27 organizations (including 16 ) from 17 countries participated in the Online on February 24, 2025. This gathering gave FileSender enthusiasts the opportunity not just to listen in and be kept abreast of new developments and future plans, but also to contribute: present their views, exchange experiences and share expectations.
Details on
"Optimiser la conception adaptative des Ressources ducatives Libres (REL) avec lIA"
12:30 (UTC) Hosts: Universit de York
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Siete dei nostalgici o degli amanti dei online ma siete stanchi dei soliti giocatori tossici o dei gestori che impazziscono nelle solite gare di popolarit
Avete smesso di giocare perch i soliti temi rivoltanti sono diventati la norma, cos come i raggiri delle regole di netiquette e coerenza Benvenuti a: un ambiente tutelato dove potete giocare in pace coi vostri amici o altri utenti, dando spazio alla fantasia.
If there is a useful and relevant political science literature on the processes through which random social media memes are becoming the basis for dramatic changes in U.S. governmental structures and policies, Id love to see it.
- reviews Chris Hayes new book on our dysfunctional attention economy
"OEWCampus Luzern (Wie) Untersttzen Open Educational Resources Lehr- und Lernprozesse "
11:15 (UTC) Hosts: Campus Luzern
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Am 20.03. sind in unserem -Workshop "Moodle fr Einsteiger*innen" alle willkommen, die sich bisher noch komplett von E-Learning Konzepten ferngehalten haben oder ihre Kenntnisse noch einmal auffrischen wollen. Wir erleichtern euch gerne den Einstieg!
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Exciting News!
Online registrations to the four day ACCU 2025 conference is now only 150 + VAT and includes access to 59 talk sessions!
Find out more and register today:
"Creating Accessible OER and Course Materials: What Makes Content Accessible"
18:30 (UTC) Hosts: University of British Columbia
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 The landscape of phishing has transformed significantly, moving beyond simple HTML pages to advanced techniques like Browser-in-The-Browser, Attacker-in-The-Middle & WebRTC-based approaches.    
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Salve a tutti ragazzi! Eccoci qua con la live serale del Mario Kammello 8 Deluxe! Riusciremo ad arrivare alle prime posizioni Scopriamolo insieme! Per poter giocare insieme bisogna inviare il proprio codice amico in chat. Uno di noi poi vi aggiunger alla lista e sar possibile giocare Buona Visione possibile supportarmi in modo gratuito con metodi alternativi! E guadagnare anche qualche soldo comodamente da casa! Scoprili quiDeep Dive into All Things Networking with CEO & Career Coach Rachel Serwetz!
Tuesday, March 25 at 12pm Eastern WNB.rb will be hosting Rachel for our March Online Meetup.
Are you nervous to network Not sure how, when, or why we should network with other professionals, or how it can help you In this talk, CEO & Career Coach Rachel Serwetz will deep dive into what networking really means and doesnt mean, how to make it comfortable and strategic for you.
To give everyone the opportunity to share during a meeting, you need agreement on who goes next. Online meetings pose additional challenges. Here's what to do.
funksec renvendique un vol de donnes en lien avec les activits de Universit de Rennes (
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Des donnes professionnelles relatives aux agents de la Ville & du Centre communal d'action sociale de la Ville de Lorient  
Compromission du portail web de la Commission Nationale de contrle de la protection des Donnes caractre Personnel (
Le journal L'Opinion focalise sur les consquences : c--d des rsultats sur les moteurs de recherche avec des mots clefs  inadquats . La piste du drfrencement par un vil SEO n'est gure convaincante nous ignorons tout du modus operandi de cette affaire.
Dans les faits, le CMS WordPress
a t semble t'il cras par un Drupal
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. Quel intrt Aucun. part faire volontairement croire des amateurs.
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du Registre National de la CNDP (
) ne semble pas impact par cet incident. Au passage, il y a une typographie (bracket) sur le courriel technicien (
) mentionn dans les infos WHOIS
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