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BRURT wants to meet you! He's Handsome, and he runs his own little group called Vision 2010. Read his Bio below and find out more. Innocators... Is he your friend Are you blushing at Brurt

> On Doom And Joy by Chuck Wendig.

FTA: "...You dont need to correct someones feelings, because feelings arent facts. If theyre happy about something and expressing joy, you also dont need to correct that joy...".

In other words, if you feel the urge, just STFU.

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hmm.. I wonder why . . ugh ohhhhh (((DIG IN
enjoy as I bob n' weave.. the ' legit internet..
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the fact that 's own domestic upon a black church in DC was freed. AND THEN SAID " ... Biden is ok, he let 22 free w. me BUT they were just drug dealers or junkies like me from my hood' in Miami what
surreal tho ..
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Montag, 10. Februar 2025, 19.00 Uhr Online-Infoveranstaltung fr Eltern von 6- bis 10-Jhrigen: Schwerpunkt Internet und Smartphone
Unter anderem:
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- Was muss bei Online-Spielen beachtet werden
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How EU citizens safeguard their online privacy: Top countries leading in data protection How EU citizens protect their personal data and privacy online Which countries are the most careful Read more: Always stay informed Follow all the news on Subscribe Watch

who is up for the challenge just L-sit and Lolasana to start from
sign up here -
(the link in my profile)
no obligations, just to make sure you get the links and updates, you can unsubscribe any moment
and here is my current state of L-sit, Lolasana (Tuck planche) and more of it and other stuff..
more than arm balances i love transitions between them
first time ever tried to move somewhere out of Lolasana and it happened to turn into 8 angles

medida que nos aprofundamos nessa prtica, descobrimos que somos capazes de alcanar nveis de conscincia e poder que antes pareciam impossveis, transformando nossa realidade de forma extraordinria e harmoniosa....

Veja Aqui:

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...


We're showing off our new Spawn Tower tonight at 8pm CST, and building more nonsense on the FOXXDEN server!

Only on:

todays state of L-sit, Lolasana (Tuck planche) and more of it and other stuff..
more than arm balances i love transitions between them
first time ever tried to move somewhere out of Lolasana and it happened to turn into 8 angles

who is up for the challenge just L-sit and Lolasana to keep it simple

It's tomorrow! Last chance to register. Dont miss out!

Harm Derksen will be talking about "Invariant Theory and Computational Complexity" in tomorrow's online CodEx Seminar:

Tue Jan 28, 2025 10am Pacific
Sign up on the website for the zoom link

She was trying to sell a play tent for $40. It ended up costing her $1,250
A woman in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island wants to warn others about an online phishing scam on Facebook Marketplace after a sale that was supposed to earn her $40 cost her $1,250 instead. 

Temas y sesiones del Funkwhale de Ale

online, lunes, 27 de enero, 00:00 CET

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Heute Abend um 19 Uhr gehen und der Sache bei Astro &Co auf den Grund

She was trying to sell a play tent for $40. It ended up costing her $1,250
A woman in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island wants to warn others about an online phishing scam on Facebook Marketplace after a sale that was supposed to earn her $40 cost her $1,250 instead. 

Australia tells BNPL providers to apply for credit licences

She was trying to sell a play tent for $40. It ended up costing her $1,250
A woman in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island wants to warn others about an online phishing scam on Facebook Marketplace after a sale that was supposed to earn her $40 cost her $1,250 instead. 

Hipotecas Online: Todo lo que debes saber Ms detalles

Einladung 103. Coworking zur Schneiderakademie

Gerne lade ich euch zum nchsten online Coworking/Onlinetreffen zur Schneiderakademie ein, fr alle Kurse der Schneiderakademie. Das Treffen ist wie eine Lerngruppe und ein geselliger Austausch, den ich seit mehr als 4 Jahren organisiere.

Wer: Alle Teilnehmenden der Schneiderakademie und Gste
Wann: 29.1.25, 20:00 CET

Don't forget our Staff Engineer Panel is tomorrow, January 28th at 12pm EST

Join our Slack, , for the online meetup link!

Hope to see you there

PPC campaigns today have got a hit due to restrictions imposed by two new and crucial data privacy regulations, the GDPR and CCPA regulations. This blog sheds light on the challenges faced by PPC campaigns due to these regulations as well as the master tips to resolve them.

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Good day. I have posted a whole new set of free webinars and workshops I have been offering these since 2019.

See for the currently listed events and offers. The events are focused on communication, Zen, and even artist and poet William Blake.

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This is just how I see things and the way I think.

Im visiting my home country, and today, while having dinner with my mom, we ended up chatting about , , , and all that jazz. My moms a big WhatsApp user, and since I live abroad, its been my go-to for staying connected with family and friends. Ive never had a huge issue with it, even though Im not exactly a fan of . Thats pretty much been the extent of it

But recently, changed its policies. Right now, its only in the United States, but Im still not on board with them. They seem to be driven by nothing more than convenience for Zuckerberg himself. I could dive into it, but thats the gist of it.

That being said, my family and friends still use WhatsApp, so Ive kept using it too.

At dinner, my mom asked why people are saying Zuckerbergs policies are wrong. Shes not really up-to-date on these things, so I tried my best to explain. I told her that Zuckerberg drastically changed his approach when Trump became president, and it started working in his favor. I explained that Zuckerbergs policies are putting for (including me), , and at risk. And that doesnt even touch on the fake news problem.

My mom had no clue about any of this, but she listened intently. By the end of our conversation, she asked what the alternatives to WhatsApp were, since I dont use Facebook or Instagram. I mentioned and , which she already knows.

Then, she saidquite firmlythat she wouldnt be using WhatsApp anymore either. She said our family values dont align with those policies, so Metas services are a no-go for her. I know I had some influence, but the final decision was all hers. Honestly, Im so proud of her. I didnt expect to have this conversation, and I definitely didnt think shed care this much.

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Neues Jahr, neue Gesetze Das sind die nderungen im Online-Handel 2025

Neues Jahr, neue Gesetze Das sind die nderungen im Online-Handel 2025

Wenn ich den angeschaut habe, werfe ich in der Regel im Anschluss auch was in's - dann eben digitale - Krbchen.

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Nun also doch: Der ORF hat mit einiger Versptung auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine Sammlung anlsslich des morgigen Holocaust-Gedenktages, dem 80. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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Cieom podvodnkov je vybudova si dveru u nhodnej osoby v priebehu niekokch tdov alebo mesiacov, asto pod zmienkou romantickho zujmu.

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Das Wissen Cyber-Bedrohungen - Wie sicher sind Cloud-Anwendungen
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As mediates more and more of our daily lives, it is also facilitating new and heightened forms of

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To give everyone the opportunity to share during a meeting, you need agreement on who goes next. Online meetings pose additional challenges. Here's what to do.

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