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On est en stream pour un gros dimanche !

On commence avec Splatoon 3, le Splatfest continue, on passe aux tricolores !
Et le chaos continuera avec la suite de notre let's play sur Dragon's Dogma 2 !

A tout de suite en live sur Twitch

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Thai authorities revoke visas of
"Immigration police hv revoked the visas of 12 nationals & permanently them follow'g a raid on luxury pool villa tt they say was a base for an illegal online business.. e suspects had been based in before moving to .. The measures r in line w the s to on nationals involved in shady businesses both in & neighbouring countries"

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The biggest difference between the online gaming network outages of a decade plus ago and today's issues is that most games now require a subscription in order to play these games even if it's offline due to massive .

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Le stream est lanc, grosse journe !

On dbute sur Eiyuden Chronicle traquer les nouvelles recrues accessibles !
Puis on enchainera 18h30 sur le Splatfest de Splatoon 3, avec la copine aelitagame !

A tout de suite en live sur Twitch !

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Einer von Elon Musks Spar-Beauftragten im US-Finanzministerium trat wegen rassistischer Beitrge ab. Doch nun wurde er von ganz oben zurckgeholt.

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