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Today "radio" is broadcasting live for the first time - celebrating the 1.000.062nd birthday of Art - the whole day.
Tune in here:
or directly here:
Thanx for listening!
Today we're celebrating the 1.000.062nd Birthday of Art.
"Art's Birthday" is an annual event first proposed in 1963 by French artist Robert Filliou.
He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day, on the 17th of January to be precise, Art was born. According to Filliou, it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. Modest beginnings, but look at us now.
Filliou proposed a public holiday to celebrate the presence of art in our lives. In recent years, the idea has been taken up by a loose network of artists and friends around the world. Each year the Eternal Network evolves to include new partners - working with the ideas of exchange and telecommunications-art.
Artists have celebrated Art's Birthday with lavish parties and gatherings, correspondence and mailart, and through Telematic networks using SloScan TV, Videophones, music composed for telephone lines, modem-to-modem MIDI connections, early bulletin board and chat systems, and (starting in the mid 1990's) the Internet.
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Cloud migration is a buzzword youve probably heard a lot in the tech world lately, and theres a good reason for that.
Moving to the cloud has many benefits, such as lower costs, better collaboration, stronger security, and the ability to scale as your business grows. Successful cloud migration takes careful planning and the right approach.
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