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of Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, one of the places you live is Mastodon (or TikTok, Insta, FB, etc.), where you perform things you do IRL, if metaphorically. You make a home, you feed yourselfpsychologically or in reality, if your account helps you make money. Most of all, you are governed. It can be peer pressure. Blocking, muting, trolling. You're definitely governed by the rules of Mastodon, if at least the UI and the instance. Goes for the other platforms.

Think about this. Who rules Masto Who rules FB, X... the Internet

There is government, and governors, most not elected by us, who influence our lives. We live in virtual worlds. Maybe we need to treat our virtual worlds seriously, to a degree verging on the way we would treat our real neighborhood. Breaking laws, committing social faux pas, the thing can ruin what feels like your home, even get you exiledvirtually.

It can filter to the real world or influence virtual worlds.

We live many places simultaneously. Though we can't measure it as territories we travel, or square footage, it's sizable and shouldn't be trifled.

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Esclusivo: i ricercatori sudcoreani trovano una falla nel ransomware Rhysida, e creano un decryptor

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