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This is an exciting month over in the Inked Spirit Coven! We're wrapping up our year-long exploration into Rewilding Your Inner Witch with a focus on the element of Earth. We'll announce our new theme for 2025 soon!

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wenn Menschen euch fragen, wie man Meta Onlinedienste (Facebook, Instagram & Threads) effektiv verlassen kann, dann knnt ihr diesen Link ihnen zusenden:

Facebook, Instagram und Threads sind omniprsent, doch diese Dienste sind teils umstritten, etwa beim Datenschutz. Nun kommt auch das Anbiedern von Mark Zuckerberg an Donald Trump - und so mancher will sein Konto lschen. Wir verraten, wie es geht.

Guten Tag

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Jeder und jede ist willkommen (alle Nhniveaus und alle textilen Techniken)

Der Stammtisch findet wie gewohnt auf dem Big Blue Button statt.

Datum: 9.2.2025
Uhrzeit: 19:00
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Kein spezielles Thema

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Attached is an attendee's feedback as part of the recent based meetup.

Im hosting an meetup related to Exploring & Navigating IT job opportunities in

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Archaeoethnologica: Origins of the Southeast Asian Bronze Age - Talk / Origens do Bronze do Sudeste Asitico - Palestra

Archaeoethnologica: Origins of the Southeast Asian Bronze Age - Talk / Origens do Bronze do Sudeste Asitico - Palestra

Archaeoethnologica: Origins of the Southeast Asian Bronze Age - Talk / Origens do Bronze do Sudeste Asitico - Palestra

Archaeoethnologica: Origins of the Southeast Asian Bronze Age - Talk / Origens do Bronze do Sudeste Asitico - Palestra

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: The New Flesh by Adam C. Jones
January 16, 2025 by Sam Dee

The New Flesh is a heady tour of the that has wrought on its residents. In the , and Adam C. Jones argues that increasing our time has remade us.

Thanks to Reconnect Performance Online Festival!
The web is not an immaterial network protected from social, political or economic variations. On the contrary, it is the technical material form on which our perception of the world depends.
In the current global health context, it reveals the paradoxes that constitute it. It is becoming an indispensable tool for communicating with others and a population control tool of unimaginable effectiveness.
And in the middle, the artists propose forms, uses, conceptions of the web and technologies that allow us to explore its characteristics and limits to reveal its nature.
Thanks to Reconnect Performance Online Festival!
The web is not an immaterial network protected from social, political or economic variations. On the contrary, it is the technical material form on which our perception of the world depends.
In the current global health context, it reveals the paradoxes that constitute it. It is becoming an indispensable tool for communicating with others and a population control tool of unimaginable effectiveness.
And in the middle, the artists propose forms, uses, conceptions of the web and technologies that allow us to explore its characteristics and limits to reveal its nature.

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Our homes are digital now

The transition to digital living has been both quick and abrupt. For the coming generation, the mark they leave on this world will be digital. Much more than what they show of themselves in real life will be what they display online. Increasingly many prefer to voluntarily retract from real life in favour of being more .


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