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Kinky Talks: Bootblacking - What is it about
online, Wednesday, 11 December (20:00)Hey fellow coders (or artists i guess )!
I was browsing the App Store recently and nearly choked when I saw some drawing apps priced at $15. Seriously I thought, "Why not just grab a pencil and paper from the trash"
To fix this problem, Im working on Pw:Draw Poliworks:Draw a free, HTML-based drawing app , its tho still a side project
Release Date:
Coming soon (or if I get lazy, maybe at Christmas). Stay tuned!
The 136th and () recently concluded its one-month in , China, with advancements in . Building on its success, the Canton Fair is transforming its into a year-round , enabling seamless, efficient among and .
In 2022, I ran a workshop onthe design of participation-rich events. Here are some lessons learned from this online workshop.
Lemties paslaptys S03E90
Auksinis berniukas S02E113
onlineAuksinis berniukas S02E112
Sapnu gaudytojas S01E35
Ich bin eigentlich kein groer Spieler, aber hatte ich in guter Erinnerung. Als ich es nun im Angebot auf entdeckt habe, konnte ich nicht widerstehen und habe es mir gegnnt. Jetzt starte ich das Spiel und bin gespannt, ob meine Geduld dafr reicht. Whrenddessen kommen alte Erinnerungen wieder hoch.
um lembrete de que, quando nosso ser est em sintonia, somos capazes de irradiar essa harmonia para o mundo ao nosso redor, influenciando positivamente tudo o que tocamos.
*Meditao da Coerncia com Ana Volpon.*
Veja Aqui:
Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...
I didn't get Hexcodle #485 :( Score: 55%
Do you know the RGB value by heart for your website customers Well, I don't either and have to check every time.
Si rende noto il calendario della celebrazione del prossimo :
Luned 09 dicembre 2024, ore 21:00, presso la stanza
Poich si passati al sistema ElementCall di Element X, potremmo (per la prima volta) dover fare delle prove. Si chiede di collegarsi 5' prima. Grazie.
Fraternit e LVX!
La Via di Lilith
Kakava S01E77
Mazyte mano S01E63
Laukine S01E10
Pazadetoji S01E138
Kodas S01E28
Je tu VEK FINLE ESKO SLOVENSKO M TALENT: Toto s finalisti, ktorch OSUD je len vo vaich rukch!
Aistru kasyklos S01E47
Kraujo geles S02E82
Kraujo geles S02E83
How can you support a community online Here's what I've learned from the many online meetings I've designed & facilitated.
Meditar retornar ao prprio centro, onde a coragem de ser autntico se fortalece e brilha, permitindo que o mundo conhea a beleza de nosso ser genuno...
*A Meditao nos ajuda a sermos mais Autnticos.*
Veja Aqui:
Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...
Prarastas pasitikejimas S01E36
Triuksmingi namai S01E15
With millions of online purchases zipping their way to homes across the world over the holiday season, consumer fears over the sustainability impact of said deliveries are often unfounded, according to Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas).
Read more:
Teisingumo agentai S10E37
t-online: Putin verspricht Deutschen Zuflucht in Russland
Wer Russlands geistige und moralische Werte teilt, soll in Putins Diktatur willkommen sein. Bei seiner neuesten Initiative hilft ihm auch eine Deutsche.#deutschen #online #putin #russland #verspricht #zuflucht
Wartezeiten in Hamburger Kundenzentren verkrzen sich
Die Wartezeit auf einen Termin im Einwohneramt betrgt inzwischen elf Tage. An einigen Standorten verkrzt der Hamburg-Service aber seine ffnungszeiten.
Tu man graziausia S01E21
This poor dude has to explain what transpired on an absolute freakshow of an and... wow.
I mean, I've had some bad ones in my single years but OMG SO CRINGE LMAO
Forms like this are the reason I always use masked email addresses when signing up for ANYTHING.
Latvia offers fast-track pre-approval for MiCA compliance
Latvia offers fast-track pre-approval for MiCA compliance #
Prarastas pasitikejimas S01E34
Prarastas pasitikejimas S01E35
Triuksmingi namai S01E13
Triuksmingi namai S01E14
Aistru kasyklos S01E45