Here is my summary of some interesting lessons learned from organizing six scientific online meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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make sure you schedule a sexting session, video call or custom with yours truly
Et on part en stream !
Le prochain Splatfest arrive, il est donc temps de voter pour notre camps du Frostyfest sur Splatoon 3
Et faire quelques games multi galement
Je vous retrouve en live sur Twitch !
The induced almost has begun. The isn't a ()- anymore.
Why I'm quitting the
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I built a free online week number calendar. View ISO week numbers, plan your year. Perfect for project planning and scheduling.
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Gone and will probably be forgotten (at least by the publishers)
A bunch of game servers are shutting down in February
Scurit informatique des tablissements de sant  Les autorits publiques ont ragi avec retard en finanant sur cinq (5) ans un programme de prvention et de protection. Cette dynamique doit tre poursuivie.   (PDF)
Protection des donnes caractre personnel Un site web sera prochainement en ligne pour accompagner les pharmaciens marocains.
La totalit des systmes informatiques et tlphoniques de Universit du Qubec en Outaouais (
) indisponible la suite d'un bris de fibre optique.
 People have a revulsion to being prompted to engage with random shit posted by inhuman AI profiles for the purposes of being delivered more ads.  
Telegram Today we're releasing the first update of 2025
This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent scams & reduce misinformation with a unique proactive solution that sets a new safety standard for social platforms.
Honey perdeu mais de 3 milhes de utilizadores no Chrome
Vrios jogos da Xbox perdem servidores at final de Fevereiro
... is there anything ...
When ordering and the winds up being more than the actual you .
Ao recitar essas palavras sagradas, nos alinhamos com a fora csmica da criao e destruio, buscando a paz interior e a unio com o divino eterno que permeia toda a existncia...
Veja Aqui:
Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...
AI-generated phishing emails are getting very good at targeting executives:
Hyper-personalized emails use "an immense amount" of scraped data.
The email address as user authentication, i.e. user name, makes sense to log in, as it is unique. But to recognize this on the login server must not be plain text or a simple hash. But as far as I'm concerned, many online providers fail.
t-online: Russland verurteilt Mnner, weil sie zu schwul aussehen
Russland hat die Freiheit homosexueller Menschen drastisch beschnitten. Die Polizei geht offenbar gezielt gegen Besucher von Nachtclubs vor.#aussehen #manner #online #russland #schwul #verurteilt
El lado del mal - Cursos Online de Ciberseguridad & hacking para Enero de 2025 en HackBySecurity
The 136th and () recently concluded its one-month in , China, with advancements in . Building on its success, the Canton Fair is transforming its into a year-round , enabling seamless, efficient among and .
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The new year is here, let's learn English together!
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We are inviting ambitious individuals to join our private online group and become successful entrepreneurs. This exclusive opportunity is limited to only 2025 members, and the mutually beneficial business model will be valid until December 31st, 2025. It's an exclusive opportunity to our esteemed members to gain 100x to 1000x profit.
Les systmes informatiques de la Banque de l'Habitat du Sngal (
) paralyss par une attaque informatique perptre dans la journe du mardi 24 dcembre 2024 via
Les rseaux sociaux servent recruter des shooters
pour commettre des homicides avec la ferme volont de marquer les esprits afin de porter un message.
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Namenregister Oorlogsarchief ONLINE van 300.000 mogelijke collaborateurs
Ik had het plan, om hierover te tooten, net laten varen toen mijn vriendin zei: "H Staat het nu tch online"
Nee, het staat niet ONLINE, want daar bedoelen we tegenwoordig "via Internet toegankelijk" mee (). Dat weet de NOS heus wel, maar met leugens en halve waarheden trek je lezers.
Biecht: ik blijf mijzelf een hacker noemen, want daarvan heb je, naast kwaadaardige, ook goedbedoelende (zoals kernel- en ethical hackers). Overigens ben ik geen "penetratietester", een woord dat ook niet altijd even goed begrepen wordt.
Ao meditarmos, retomamos esse fio atemporal, honrando as prticas ancestrais que nos ensinaram a ouvir o corao, respeitar o silncio e nos alinhar com as foras sutis que sustentam a vida...
Veja Aqui:
Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...
Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make Roy Bennett
Egypt breaks record with 15.7 mln tourists in 2024 #15.7 #2024 .7MlnTouristsIn2024
De index met namen van overleden verdachten uit het Centraal Archief Bijzondere Rechtspleging () is vanaf vandaag beschikbaar, zij het niet en beperkt tot 1 januari 2026. Dat betekent dat er onder voorwaarden dossiers kunnen worden gereserveerd (waarbij een afspraak wordt gemaakt om het dossier in de studiezaal van het in Den Haag in te komen zien), maar dat er bijv. geen foto's of scans van de dossiers gemaakt mogen worden.
Building a site The network is where billions of connections happen every month. Create your space where your audience already is!
From Brat to Defying Gravity, these pop culture moments kept us chronically online all 2024
2024 was packed with moments that ruled our feeds and kept us talking. Heres what you probably couldn't miss even if you tried.
The 136th and () recently concluded its one-month in , China, with advancements in . Building on its success, the Canton Fair is transforming its into a year-round , enabling seamless, efficient among and .
Want this to be the year I get back into social gaming . Play cooperatively with a group of trusted people. Starting from scratch so this will be a challenge. Any games anyone is looking for buddies in please comment on the toot.
Region :
US Eastern
Lethbridge police warn about increase of online scammers
The Lethbridge police is asking residents to safeguard their bank accounts following an increase in reports of suspicious transactions involving compromised accounts.
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