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Zizians: Apollo Mojave

Area Cult Protest

Secure Coding Passwort-Hashing zum Schutz vor Brute-Force und Rainbow-Tabellen:
Warum sichere Passwrter wichtig sind und welche Hashing-Algorithmen Java-Anwendung sowie Benutzerkonten zuverlssig vor Hackern schtzen.

Anscheinend ist dies immer noch ein Thema, da viele immer noch zB MD5 nutzen und nur das Hashen von Passwrtern eingesetzt wird. Vertraulich und sicher geht anders und Argon2 ist momentan aktuell.

Feb's Play Until Passing Out stream is live now! Starting with Hello Kitty's Island Adventure!


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LDComics 2025
Applying for - Workshop
Led by Nicola Streeten
Tuesday 18 February 2025, 6.30-8.30pm (GMT I presume) 12.00

"The Centre is delighted to invite you to our upcoming event on Human Rights - Strategies around the World, taking place on the 12th of February from 15:00-16:30 (GMT)."

Demokratie lebt von der Beteiligung aller Brgerinnen und Brger. Doch die Mitwirkungsmglichkeiten werden zunehmend eingeschrnkt. Wie knnen wir das ndern Diskutiere mit uns und Helmut Kauer, wie wir Demokratie gerechter und zugnglicher machen knnen.

05.02., 19:30 Uhr ONLINE.

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Et c'est parti (avec un chouia de retard, mais chut) pour un stream sur Splatoon 3 !

Un nouveau Splatfest arrive, il est l'heure d'aller voter et de faire des match !
N'hsitez pas passer si vous voulez faire du multi !

A tout de suite en live sur Twitch !

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Ao invocar a Chama Violeta, nos tornamos agentes de nossa prpria renovao, permitindo que sua luz transforme no apenas nosso interior, mas tambm o mundo ao nosso redor...

Veja Aqui:

Acesse, assista, oua, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha...

Vortrag: Kleinstaatliche Diplomatie auf dem Wiener Kongress

Montag, 3. Februar 2025, 16:15 Uhr
Historisches Institut, FSU Jena (Frstengraben 13)
Auch digital unter:

Oskar Wasielewski (Jena) spricht ber das Herzogtum Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg auf europischer Ebene.

Meeting-ID: 632 5283 8742 Kenncode: 206183

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A huge blocklist of manually curated sites (1000+) that contain AI generated content, for the purposes of cleaning image search engines (Google Search, DuckDuckGo, and Bing) with or uBlacklist. Also works on mobile (iOS, iPadOS, Android) via uBlacklist, as well as pihole/adguard.

Low Income Tip #19: Are you off work for an extended period of time following the birth of your child Have you thought about taking an online course to improve your skill set and give you future employment opportunities... Next Tip Feb 7 2025

Bueno, yo tengo a todos los vecinos rebotados porque los bancos no quieren libretas y lo quieren todo y de lo de las dicen que son un timo porque te gastas ms de lo que ahorras...

Fredericton MP Jenica Atwin says online hate helped push her out of federal politics
Jenica Atwin is leaving federal politics for the "time being" in part because of the online hate she receives, saying the level of toxicity she's had to face has been surprising.

Fredericton MP Jenica Atwin says online hate helped push her out of federal politics
Jenica Atwin is leaving federal politics for the "time being" in part because of the online hate she receives, saying the level of toxicity she's had to face has been surprising.

The amazing Jess Sullivan is leading our :ruby: WNB.rb :ruby: bookclub for this session. We as a group are tackling Effective Testing with RSpec 3 Build Ruby Apps with Confidence by Myron Marston and Erin Dees ( ). We are already at Chapter 3 and have had some great conversations about testing and

If you too want to join up (because we have WAY more chapters to go) head to and join us!

I am pleased to

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If you are interested in participating in either in or , fill in this form <9 February:

"Disagreement is a vital part of progress. However, it must be done with respect and an understanding that differing perspectives do not make someone an enemy."


A Plea For Civility :

Fredericton MP Jenica Atwin says online hate helped push her out of federal politics
Jenica Atwin is leaving federal politics for the "time being" in part because of the online hate she receives, saying the level of toxicity she's had to face has been surprising.

Fredericton MP Jenica Atwin says online hate helped push her out of federal politics
Jenica Atwin is leaving federal politics for the "time being" in part because of the online hate she receives, saying the level of toxicity she's had to face has been surprising.

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Is the EU turning to online education In 2024, internet users in the EU took more online courses than in the previous year. Read more: Always stay informed Follow all the news on Subscribe Watch our LIVE here: Follow us: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Subscribe to our

Fr die Arbeit ist wegen eines Audits ein ntig. Daher habe ich den -Dienst der Stadt durchlaufen. Besonders schn fand ich ja im digitalen -Formular die Passage mit "Formular ausdrucken, unterschreiben, scannen" Das Schleifchen obendrauf war, dass die gerade eingegebenen Daten wie Name, Telefonnummer usw. nicht im Formular standen sondern erneut eingetragen werden mussten Ich dachte mir "Hey, bei der der haben wir echt noch ein bissl Luft nach oben" und dann sagte eine Kollegin aus Berlin ganz neidisch, dass sie frs Fhrungszeugnis noch vieeeele Wochen auf einen Amtstermin warten musste...

Ganz bld gefragt: Wenn das Fhrungszeugnis sowieso vom Bundesamt fr Justiz ausgestellt wird, wieso muss dann berhaupt jede Gemeinde (oder Stadt oder so) einen eigenen Antrags-Prozess entwickeln & betreuen statt einmalig das Bundesamt Das wrde Aufwnde & Kosten doch sicherlich deutlich senken.

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Ao abraar esses ensinamentos, no apenas despertamos nossa essncia divina, mas tambm nos tornamos canais de luz e transformao para o mundo...

Veja Aqui:

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The nature of makes it easy for someone to infiltrate research studies and submit false responses. ...
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more advanced, this problem is magnified. And while AI detectors exist, they are not always accurate and cannot confront the issue of human respondents who are simply in their survey responses.

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