Free Wills for Australia.

Europa e Canad optam por produtos nacionais em boicote aos EUA

"Interview: OER and Localisation Professor Lynne Bowker"
20:00 (UTC) Hosts: Commonwealth of Learning
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C'est l'heure d'un mini stream !

On se retrouve en live sur Splatoon 3 ! Y a big Run demain, donc ce soir, c'est games multi, viendez donc !

A tout de suite sur Twitch !

"Webinar: Copyright Confidence From Basics to AI"
19:30 (UTC) Hosts: Open Oregon Educational Resources
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"Introducing LibreTexts LibreNet Consortium"
19:30 (UTC) Hosts: LibreTexts
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Oups l'outil de dclaration d'impt de est inaccessible.

"Alternatives to Open: Zero Cost Textbooks"
19:00 (UTC) Hosts: Collab4Open
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"LibreTexts First Friday Features"
19:00 (UTC) Hosts: LibreTexts
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"NMOER Event: Finding and Evaluating Open Materials for Accessibility"
19:00 (UTC) Hosts: New Mexico OER Consortium NMOER, University of New Mexico
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Gutschrift im ZUGFeRD Standard Magento Erweiterung -2 -shop

"Emerging Technologies in International Education"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: Athabasca University
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"Presentacin del libro Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a la prctica docente"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: Katiuska Fernndez-Morales
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"OEWeek Live: Open Education Week Wrap Up (and What's Next)"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: Open Education Global
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"5 Disciplines in 50 Minutes"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: Minnesota State
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"Why Zero-Textbook-Cost Degrees Are Vital to Your Distance Education Strategy"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: Ellucian
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"A LibreTexts ADAPT Success Story with Greg Allen"
18:00 (UTC) Hosts: LibreTexts
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Anything special at today

Several companies communicating that some of their mailboxes have been compromised.

Communications never goes into details, but sentences like

"While we have escalated the incident to Microsoft as logs shows issue is not at our level, required actions have been taken to retrieve the full and safe control of the targeted mailbox."

make you wonder ....

"Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon at SDCCD"
17:30 (UTC) Hosts: San Diego Community College District
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"Open Microbiology: Building Global Learning Communities Through the OpenStax Microbiology Ancillaries Project"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: LibreTexts
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"DOERS3: Advancing OER for All through Practical Tools"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: DOERS3 Advancing OER for All Working Group
CCCOERJoin the Event

"In the Living Room with the Open Education Network and MIT OpenCourseWare Two Highlighted Resources"
16:00 (UTC) Hosts: Open Education Network
MIT OpenCourseWare
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"AI Literacies for Open Educators: An Exploration"
15:00 (UTC) Hosts: We Are Open Co-op
Opened Culture
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"Curiosity Unleashed: Experimenting with Open Pet-agogy (with Cats!)"
15:00 (UTC) Hosts: Open Education Global
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"Open for Student Success Symposium"
14:30 (UTC) Hosts: Georgia State University Library
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while everyone is distracted ' *
hrmmmm. "

I'm delighted to say that it's back! My month-long "Meet " module with SPACE (Signum Portals for Adult Continuing Education) via is currently a candidate for June 2025. Voting runs through May 1. Early voters will help decide the scheduling of the live discussion sessions.

This novel is one of the most relevant books we can read right now.

More info:


" : " (The Role of in Education and Research: Opportunities and Challenges)"
14:00 (UTC) Hosts: Librarian Voice

"Uploading Files to Wikimedia Commons Arabic"
14:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
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Kantar Media hires MD for Denmark News

Online BA
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Ao meditar com o corao, abrimos caminhos para a cura, o perdo e a profunda paz interior, descobrindo que a fonte da felicidade est dentro de ns, pronta para iluminar nossa existncia e a de todos ao nosso redor...
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lesson plan for how to provide attribution and avoid plagiarism when a . Please adapt for your own purposes. , .

Das Fisch-Blatt wird gekauft, eben WEIL Bild lgt und und andere das geil finden. Eine dmmliche Rge ist Quatsch kannste auflsen, spart .

"BILD (0947/23/2): "Tausende brllen: bombardieren", Ziff 1 ( ), 2 ( ) 3 ( ), verffentlicht am 11.07.2024"

und so: fr ne

"Introduction to Open Education (EDEV0006)"
05:00 (UTC) Hosts: Conestoga College
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