Does anyone on here play Can you give me a starter guide, because last time I tried to play it was heavy going and boring.
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Archaeoethnologica: The Ancient DNA of Phoenicians - Talk / ADN Antigo dos Fencios - Palestra
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Cloud migration is a buzzword youve probably heard a lot in the tech world lately, and theres a good reason for that.
Moving to the cloud has many benefits, such as lower costs, better collaboration, stronger security, and the ability to scale as your business grows. Successful cloud migration takes careful planning and the right approach.
Prepare your system for cloud migration>
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Esse processo nos guia para uma vida mais autntica, onde a paz interior e a liberdade de ser quem somos se tornam foras transformadoras...
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whos up for a calisthenics/yoga challenge to learn or improve Lolasana (tack planche) and L-sit these are strength developing poses.Telefnica ha sufrido un ciberataque al menos desde el pasado da 9 de enero 2025 por parte de un grupo de hackers que lograron extraer alrededor de 2.3 GB de datos, incluidos documentos y tickets, algunos relacionados con clientes, aunque en ningn caso residenciales o particulares.
research Arrival times, price paid, and contact details over 24 million records with sensitive data were left passwordless online.
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whos up for a calisthenics challenge here in Fediverse i can also call it a yoga challenge as the poses are used in both.
I want to improve my L-sit and Tuck Planche (Lolasana) by doing approximately one month challenge but its a lot more fun if somebody else join, and the more people the better!
Im thinking about planning everyday short video drill or a fun but helping pose variation. Good to start from a scratch and good to improve if you have already nailed the poses.
What do you think
the goal is not only to archive or develope the poses, but also to gain more strength, to reduce stress, to become healthier and to have fun
spread the word if you think its a good idea!
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Migration Policy Centre's Seminar 15 January 2025 15:00 - 16:00 CET
Quanto mais cultivamos esse espao interior, mais podemos ouvir nossa intuio e nossa verdadeira fora, permitindo-nos viver com maior propsito, equilbrio e liberdade...
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Am kommenden Montag, den 20.01., findet unser Themenspecial XR in der Hochschullehre seinen Abschluss mit dem letzten Online-Event.
Wir laden Sie nochmal herzlich zu einer Zwischenbilanz und zum Austausch ein, ber Innovationspotenziale und Grenzen von XR/VR-Technologien zu sprechen.
Zum Abschluss gehen in der Diskussion die Experten u. Expertinnen auf die dringendsten Fragen zur Zukunft von in der Hochschullehre ein.
Alle Informationen hier:
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Mastodon prepara-se para mudar para uma nova entidade sem fins lucrativos
Conta de admin de Path of Exile 2 usada para atacar contas de jogadores
Ao nos conhecermos melhor, cultivamos a clareza, a paz e a sabedoria necessrias para viver de forma mais consciente e alinhada com o propsito da vida....
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Einladung 102. Coworking zur Schneiderakademie
Gerne lade ich euch zum nchsten online Coworking/Onlinetreffen zur Schneiderakademie ein, fr alle Kurse der Schneiderakademie. Das Treffen ist wie eine Lerngruppe und ein geselliger Austausch, den ich seit mehr als 4 Jahren organisiere.
Wer: Alle Teilnehmenden der Schneiderakademie und Gste
Wann: 15.1.25, 20:00 CET