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Der Bau von Atomkraftwerken bewegt(e) die Gesellschaft. Am Freitag, 14. Februar ab 14 Uhr greift das Forum im das Thema aus historischer Sicht auf. Aktuelle Forschungen werden vorgestellt und diskutiert.

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High school schedules can feel like a whirlwind of classes, extracurriculars, and social commitments. For teens and families who value Jewish education, finding room for meaningful learning experiences can seem like a daunting task. But what if your child could weave Jewish studies seamlessly into their routine without sacrificing academics or personal time

Einladung: Die - untersttzt durch - meldet sich mit neuen Beitrgen zurck und ldt ein zum ersten -Treffen in diesem Jahr: Am Freitag, 14.02. (11:30-12:30 Uhr) stellt Philipp Kandler die Ergebnisse seiner Untersuchung zu in vor. Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich. Infos zur Forkusgruppe und Meetinglink unter:

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Hallo ... Wenn ihr durch Dienstleistungen die Verwaltung entlasten wollt, warum kann ich dann tolle Dinge wie eine Falknerprfung oder ein Recherchestipendium Bildende Kunst beantragen, aber keine Meldedatenkorrektur oder die Umschreibung des Fhrerscheins

I NEVER thought I would do something like this, trying to make a presence and go after the day dreams I have of and showing it to the world.

It isn't about the money.

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Protect my friends and the which I was.

That's the only goal.

I need to and struggle. I am and is hard.

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Any will go into my projects, or someone.


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C'est parti pour un mini stream !

On regarde qui a gagn le Splatfest sur Splatoon 3 (mme si on sait qui c'est), et on se fait des games chill ensemble !

A tout de suite en live sur Twitch !

Teniu en ment engegar una per finanar el vostre projecte i no sabeu per on comenar Voleu saber ms sobre el finanament collectiu Sabeu qu sn els ttols participatius

Contestarem aquestes preguntes coneixent l'experincia de Can Carner Cooperativa d'Habitatge en aquesta .

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Days like these, where the world is going crazy bit by bit, I really wish I was more tech savvy! I would love to understand Linux better, especially since I got it to my laptop now. And, if I were smart enough, I would love to host my own little corner on the internet!If I had the funds and the wits, I'd love to have a domain where I could host all the bits of the internet that I enjoy for myself. Of course I'd go with the activity pub/FediVerse route, as I've been enjoying that so much... I have dreams, but I don't have the means and knowledge, unfortunately... But... What would I like

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On repart en stream !

Mini live nocturne Splatoon 3, que je sois pas le seul souffrir lors de cette fin de Splatfest

Je vous retrouve sur Twitch, tout de suite !

Woman Has Best Response to Plane Passenger Manspreading Into My Space

I am not usually into online vigilanteism at all, but these days it's really all people have.

This thread is a good one, give it time, it gets more and more crowdsourced as it goes on.

As someone who has worked in for 40 years, I realise I should be the last person promoting this - But times change to fit the needs of the people, and all.

Seit seiner Entdeckung Ende letzten Jahres steht der Asteroid 2024 YR4 ganz oben auf der Risikoliste fr einen mglichen Einschlag. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der 50-100 Meter groe Brocken im Jahr 2032 die Erde trifft, liegt zwar nur im unteren einstelligen Prozentbereich, ist damit aber immernoch auergewhnlich hoch.

Richard Moissl, Leiter des Planetary Defense Office der Europischen Weltraumorganisation ESA hlt uns ber den Stand der Dinge auf dem Laufenden - morgen um 19 Uhr live bei Astro & Co, und anschlieend im Archiv unseres Youtube-Kanals

I've wrote a new blog called "A review of 7Digital, Qobuz, and Amazon Music for buying music online"

Pretty self explanatory

Unlike traditional social media platforms, we don't lure you to click on or distract you with alerts and notifications unless they're match alerts. We dont monetize your presence, since we understand the downside of such morally bankrupt business strategies and their negative impact...

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On est en stream pour un gros dimanche !

On commence avec Splatoon 3, le Splatfest continue, on passe aux tricolores !
Et le chaos continuera avec la suite de notre let's play sur Dragon's Dogma 2 !

A tout de suite en live sur Twitch

In questa parliamo di:
1 ci crede ancora
2 Come proteggere i tuoi account con la
3 Floridi: L non esiste
4 Paragon: come funziona lo , scandalo di stato
5 non vuole pi vedere su vecchi e sta facendo di tutto per impedire di installarlo

Thai authorities revoke visas of
"Immigration police hv revoked the visas of 12 nationals & permanently them follow'g a raid on luxury pool villa tt they say was a base for an illegal online business.. e suspects had been based in before moving to .. The measures r in line w the s to on nationals involved in shady businesses both in & neighbouring countries"

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Playstation network kampt met urenlange storing Network gaming

The biggest difference between the online gaming network outages of a decade plus ago and today's issues is that most games now require a subscription in order to play these games even if it's offline due to massive .

It's one of the main reasons why I stepped back from console gaming over the last few years and focusing more on PC and retro/historical gaming.

Playstation network plat: gebruikers kampen met langdurige storing Network gaming

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